The transport of dangerous goods must be regulated in order to avoid accidents that harm people, the environment or any other property. This regulation should be harmonised in all countries to facilitate trade, regardless of the mode of transport used. The United Nations has developed harmonization mechanisms in terms of hazard classification criteria and communication tools (GHS), as well as transport conditions in the different modes (TDG).
The ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) sets out the obligations of the various members of the transport chain, and describes how to proceed in carrying out any action necessary to move dangerous goods, even before the transport itself is carried out: classification of the goods, choice of packaging, necessary documentation, choice of vehicle and its circulation, driving, equipment, etc. The ADR concerns all members of the transport chain, from the point of shipping of the goods up to their consignment the receiver.
But there are more modes of transport, and it has therefore been necessary to establish common transport criteria for each of them: IATA DGR (air), IMDG Code (maritime), ADN (waterways), RID (rail), etc.
Companies transporting dangerous goods by road, rail or inland waterway, or which are responsible for loading or unloading operations in connection with such transport, should appoint a dangerous goods safety advisor (DGSA) responsible for contributing to the prevention of risks to persons, property or the environment inherent in such activities.
Only persons who have obtained the qualification corresponding to the mode of transport and speciality applicable to each of the companies may serve as DGSA.
ServiREACH offers you the support you need to transport your products in compliance with current legislation.

Diagnosis We determine your company’s obligations under ADR to assess the current level of compliance and define the appropriate strategy to meet them.

Hazard classification We carry out the hazard calculation of chemical substances and mixtures according to the ADR classification criteria. We complement the service with the preparation of a justification report by means of hazard calculations, and if appropriate, we offer a testing proposal that certifies it.

Dangerous goods safety advisor ServiREACH offers an External DGSA service. Each client is different, so we do personalized preliminary study so that we will be able to determine the level of dedication you need and tailor our offering to fit with your legal and budgetary requirements.

Consultancy Based on our personalized advice, we can solve your queries efficiently and conveniently – and become your trusted ally offering a swift solution on any areas of doubt.