The European Union Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) promotes the reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials to move towards a circular economy. This directive introduces concepts such as by-product and end-of-waste status, which are crucial for transforming waste into resources, closing the material loop, and minimizing their environmental impact.
A by-product is a substance or object resulting from a production process whose primary purpose is not the production of that substance or object. For a waste to be considered a by-product, it must meet the following conditions:
- It is certain that the substance will be used subsequently.
- It is used directly without having to undergo any treatment other than normal industrial practice.
- It is produced as part of a production process.
- All relevant requirements relating to products and the protection of human health and the environment for the specific use are met, and it does not produce adverse impacts on the environment or human health.
End-of-waste status
The end-of-waste status occurs when a waste, after being subjected to a recovery operation (including recycling), meets the following conditions and is considered a secondary raw material:
- It must be used for specific purposes.
- There must be a market or demand for the product.
- It must meet technical requirements for specific purposes, existing legislation, and applicable product standards.
- Its use does not generate adverse impacts on the environment or human health.
In Europe, to commercialize a by-product or achieve end-of-waste status, it is necessary to obtain authorization from the competent authorities. This involves preparing a series of documentary evidence to justify each of the established conditions and submitting all this documentation to the relevant Administration.
At ServiREACH, we can help you determine if you meet all the requirements to consider a waste as a by-product or to request the end-of-waste status. We handle the preparation of all the necessary supporting documentation to submit the authorization request to the Administration.

By-product Authorization Request We gather, assess and generate the required documentation for your waste to be considered a by-product.

End-of-waste Status Authorization Request We gather, assess, and generate the required documentation for your waste to no longer be considered waste and obtain the secondary raw material status.

REACH Registration Obligations We assess whether your company is required to have a REACH registration for the new product or whether any of the existing exemptions can be claimed.

REACH Registration We help you prepare the registration dossier for substances that need it, ensuring your business meets the regulatory and supply chain requirements.

Hazard Classification We perform the hazard calculation of substances and chemical mixtures according to the classification criteria of the CLP Regulation. We enhance this service with the preparation of a justification report based on these hazard calculations, and if necessary, offer a proposal for laboratory testing to certify it.

Consulting With our expert advice, we can efficiently and carefully address your queries, becoming a trusted ally and providing quick solutions to any technical questions.